J here... It's been an interesting week to the start of online dating. I've been waiting with anticipation if someone will respond to my wink or email me with some new and creative questions. I've had some good flirtatious banter and some other awkward emails, but have been in communication with a few guys.
A week later I have officially had my first 'date.' After a slightly excruciating online chat* earlier in the week with Merlot I gave out my phone number and said I would be around on Sunday night. So at 7 p.m. when my phone rang with an unknown number, I anxiously answered, wondering how awkward a phone call with a total stranger could be. It wasn't as bad as it could be, he talked a lot about himself, but hey- I don't know him and so I guess that's how you find out about someone. He asked some questions related to my profile and at one point told me that I was earning 'points.' I only got the awkward giggles once when I asked him a question that seemed pretty cliche to me. Either way, I must have earned enough points because at the end of the conversation he asked for a real date! So, Friday Merlot and I will romantically wander the streets of Chicago and maybe even see an opera. Merlot seems like a decent guy and so a first date is where you have to start. He definitely found the window of opportunity and asked at just the right time.
*Side note: Online Flattery How do you respond to a guy who emails and says "You have a cute smile." or "I want to sweep you off your feet, you're beautiful."? The chat had some of this flattery and I felt at a loss of how to respond. Should I give an emoticon? Should I send a simple 'thank you' or just write 'Shy smile with shoulder shrug' so he knows what I look like in response to his comments. Chalk it up to figuring out this crazy adventure called online dating.
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