M here. It is time address the lousy side of online dating. The part of it that makes people raise their eyebrows at you when you say you are trying to meet someone online. This is it folks, let us jump right in...
The Creepers. As the cynical woman that I am, I hardly expect to find the man of my dreams while participating in this experience, but I hope find a handful of decent guys. So while the creepy men are somewhat expected, I like to think that they do their best to add the shock factor to their creepiness. It is pretty uncomfortable when a 44-year-old man winks at you or even when someone sends an email that just says "You are so cute" - what is that? Hitting on someone online?? Creepiness ranges from the 33-year-old I regretfully chatted with who would not take a hint and continued to try to instant message me every time I would be on, until I turned my instant message feature OFF to the 47-year-old man with two Asian daughters. That just makes me want to scream and delete my account. But I will persevere. (Might need to make a countdown for when 3 months is over...).
So there is clearly a scale of creepiness. Which brings us to the draft: the reality that no matter how you look at it, if you are online dating, you are simply ranking people from reading what they haphazardly wrote about themselves and viewing a handful of recycled Facebook photos. There is this unnatural feel to it, because you can compare and contrast the men that you are emailing and chatting with and if this guy is less interesting than that guy, well just stop communicating with him and begin to peruse the others who have entered as free agents. Eventually you will be able to put together this great team and dominate the online dating leagues! Of course, you have to believe that they will want to be on your team and you have to realize that they are putting their own team together. Funny way of finding "the one," but I know it can work, a friend of mine just got engaged to a great guy she met online. Maybe I'm just not ready for the draft, after this little stint I might need to take a few years off to train and get some better experience.
But let's end on a positive note - my Tall Coffee fellow came around and asked me out to... yes, coffee. And seeing as he's my number one pick as of right now, I am staying hopeful.
Way to go M!! I hope the coffee date goes well! I can't wait to read and hear about it!
ReplyDelete-Friend that recently got engaged to a great guy she met online :)